Hi Friends,
In case you haven't noticed, I have been off the radar for several weeks due to two significant life events, my birthday, and
... wait for it
My mini kitchen renovation!
the birthday, not so much a life event. At this stage I would rather do
without them, but whatever. It's just a number, right?
the mini reno, well, it was actually just having my kitchen cabinets
painted. I know it probably doesn't sound that dramatic, but let me
tell you, the difference is immeasurable! We bought our home 26 years
ago, when honey oak was in style. If you watch HGTV you know that when it comes to kitchens, white is in. White quartz counters, white Shaker cabinets, whitewashed floors...
While this was not my reasoning for
going light, (when it comes to trends, I'm always at least one behind) I felt that going dark
would make an already small kitchen feel even smaller, so I went with a cream, Swiss Coffee to be exact, and I have to say, I love it! Typhoon Bordeaux granite counters that seemed to get lost amidst that orangy oak, now really stand out.
Before |
After |
As soon as the kitchen was done, off we went to the lake house to celebrate, which, even though
it's the dead of winter, made me realize that spring is almost upon us
and with it - bikini season.
Yes, I said it.
anyone understands what this means, it is you, my
audience. Five months of homemade pastas, cheesecakes, carnitas tacos and shepherd's pies. has taken a toll. It's time to lighten up, so I
have decided to go low carb for awhile, and see if it really works.
are a plethora of low carb recipes out there, so I have stockpiled what look like the
best and intend to try them all during the month of March - and beyond.
These delicious little beauties are one of my favorite so far, and very easy. No twenty ingredient shopping list here. In fact, there are no specific quantities in this recipe. Pile on as much or as little toppings as you like. You cant go wrong with a pizza!

The key to having the portobello make a good foundation is hot, fast cooking. If you leave them in the oven too long, the will be sitting in a puddle of their own juice, and you don't want that. Just a quick pre-broil with garlic and herbs, then add the toppings and broil again. It doesn't get easier than that!

One thing I can already say about low carb cooking is, Hallelujah. Cheese is no longer the enemy!
And don't let the size fool you. This pizza is filling! The mushroom is dense, flavorful and meaty. I promise you won't miss the crust!
I feel healthier already!
Portobello Pizza
4 Portobello Mushrooms, washed and dried
Italian Seasoning
basil infused olive oil
minced garlic
salt and pepper
Mozarella Cheese
Parmesan Cheese
red onion
green onion
The list goes on...
Preheat broiler to Low Broil
Place mushrooms gill side up on a rimmed baking sheet and brush both sides with
basil infused oil, salt and pepper. Sprinkle with Italian seasoning and minced garlic and broil 8 -10 minutes.
Remove from oven, add toppings and broil again, another 10 - 15 minutes until cheese is bubbling and browning. Let them sit a few minutes after broiling to firm up, then enjoy this guilt-free indulgence!